Category Glossary

Find descriptions, templates, and examples of common construction terms and tools such as punch lists, RFIs, and more.

Job Costing

Job costing is an accounting method that enables contractors and construction companies to track, budget, and manage the costs associated with individual projects. Unlike traditional accounting, which focuses on overall business financials, job costing assigns expenses and revenue to specific…

Change Order

What Is a Change Order? In construction, a change order is an amendment to an existing construction contract that modifies the original terms of the agreement. A change order is necessary when contractors, owners, or the design team propose changes…


What Is a Submittal? In construction, submittals are documents, information, or samples that address outstanding questions and plan details for a construction project. Subcontractors typically send submittals to a general contractor and the primary stakeholders to expand upon the initial…


A Complete Guide to Preconstruction

What Is Preconstruction? Preconstruction is the term used to describe the process leading up to work on any construction job. In this initial planning phase, stakeholders set expectations, scope out the work, and plan a schedule for the project from…

What Is a Construction Punch List?

A punch list, sometimes called a snag list, is a document created in the final stages of a construction project to provide a list of items that must be addressed before construction is complete and payment is issued. The owner,…

RFI – Request for Information

What is an RFI? In construction, RFI is an abbreviation for Request for Information. It refers to a solicitation of details or additional information about an aspect of the project that needs clarification. RFIs may be sent to or from…

General Contractor

What is a General Contractor? A general contractor, or GC, in a construction project, is the party responsible for scheduling and overseeing the day-to-day activities of a construction project. General contractors are hired to manage the project from groundbreak to…